Why be a calefarewhen you could be a STAR?
Bpian; just any normal 15 year old dude :]
Fencer;so don't mess around with me!
Lives on music.
Fashion fanatic; Dreams to be a Fasion Designer
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

it's been like freaking long since i've posted.
cobwebs are forming and dust is accumulating.

ok, serious stuff now.
tommorow is like chinese new year celebration, so no lessons. but freaking french still have to continue. just kill me, someone please. one half says don't go, the other half says what excuse you wanna give, so go. but i think i'll go; it's a 51% to 49% win.

then, i had double sciences' test. so underestimated the questions. it was freaking hard and i was freaking panicking. but it didn't really bother whether i could do or not. failing is already too common, so why sulk and cry. just continue and learn right?

then i suddenly have this bird fever. i just wanna do ci[p at jurong bird park. then, i realised that it wasn't just come and go thing. there's a waiting list:( and someone else took the dates i wanted. feeling fed up now.

and ya, let's talk about mr senan, a malay teacher who covered for my hmt teacher today. he's like quiet nice i must say. he wasn't at all boring, and we so love how he conducts the class;really funny and you could laugh your heads off, but for nadiah, till tables shook and moved...you see how funny it was just by looking what happened.

& today, my mum was like being so naggy and long-winded. eh wait, she's always like that. i asked my mum whether my dad took my laptop and she told me to sms my dad. so i did. i called, but no answer. then i sms back to check whether the laptop was at home and she said my dad took it with him. so, she's literally telling me he's gone to work with it. the next thing, i called. then she told me my dad left his phone at work. like WHAT THE HECK ! she asked me to sms my dad even though she knew he left his phone at work. like where's the common sense. then she blamed me for not telling her earlier, if not she could tell my dad to just leave the laptop at home. i had asked whether my dad did took it or not, and she ya. so how would i know he's still at home. she's like so confused with her tenses. it's her fault that her tenses suck and i got confused because of it. then she nagged, nagged over the phone. blah blah blah. in the left ear, out of the right ear. so, after school , i went to my dad's workplace, IMM. and what a coincidence, my dad was in the same mrt cabin. i just walked over and demanded the laptop. but, i complained to my dad about my mum's excessive nagging and stuff. he like totally agrees. what can u say, typical women. then i asked for compensation because it was due to him leaving his phone i can't get to him and i got a earful from my mum. so i asked for lunch at mac. and i of course got it. what i say, goes.then, i thought of doing a bit of shopping but then i was in school uniform, so i went back home instead.

9:55 PM

Saturday, January 3, 2009

yesterday was like the worst day of my life.
after friday prayers, i went back to the spot to get my bag back
and what do you know, it was FREAKING MISSING,together
with amirul's pencil case.
tirmuzi's bag was ransacked as well.
It was horrible.
whoever the fucking bastard took my whole bag and
left no trace of it behind.
all my camera, my wallet, ic, hp earpiece,my specs, medication, library book etc.
it totally threw into a panicky fit...
really fucking sickening of the bastard to leave nothing at all,
and how "convenient" to just take the whole bag.
fortunately, i still have my freaking phone and ez link.
if not, there's no reason to live at all.

&at home, i broke a cup. how unlucky i am on new year's day....

9:20 AM

Friday, January 2, 2009

this is gonna be one heck of a new journey.
So get reeady, set, GO!

5:49 AM

Thursday, January 1, 2009


7:25 PM

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i feel so freaking sick right now.
fel sick twice in one month.
hw unlucky can i be?

but still,
i got a new phone, a LG Viewty
and my first laptop.
how great is that.
that is what i call double happiness
but for me, it came with a price.
a miserable and sickly one.

5:21 PM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I've finally dug my hands in MacDonald's uber delicious burger.
after being deprived so many days;
it felt like milleniums.
I'm officially satisfied.....NOT !
desperately in need of a double choc frappe.
make it large. super large please.
& next victim,
watch out Donuts out there.
you are soooo in trouble :]

10:36 AM

Monday, December 15, 2008

Meet Specless Me :]

6:30 PM