Why be a calefarewhen you could be a STAR?
Bpian; just any normal 15 year old dude :]
Fencer;so don't mess around with me!
Lives on music.
Fashion fanatic; Dreams to be a Fasion Designer
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Monday, January 28, 2008

Today was not what i had expected. it is not the usual monday that i hate everytime.

Firstly, during p.e, i finally got hold of the basketball and contribute to the team ! although i didn't score anything though...[ actually i hate basketball, SERIOUSLY ! ]

Then, the rest was usual, lessons after lessons, blah blah blah....

After school was where the fun starts. It was fun hanging out at the Nexus canteen with my fellow friends, amirul, nadiah, anna and fana plus others too. I just love chatting with them. my life will never be bored and bleak around them. there is always something happening. Then, it was fencing...

This the first time that i'm gonna mention something good about fencing... during training,coach wong actually praised me ! He said and i qouted" you're not bad, actually better than those monsters"[monsters= my fellow fencers who actually fence improperly.] then he praised me again !!! he also attempted to correct my moves.... which shows that he finally pays attention to me and i mean something now[ after so long]... YAY. I now stand a chance at going to competitions, so now i have to give my best to prove that i'm as good as others :]

After fencing, i don't how but we started to spray water at each other... we ran, we shouted,we screamed and we got wet terribly.... it was just the funnest thing ever...i was laughing constantly... Hai, i can't believe that i let myslef be so childish and get myself all wet but what the heck. This is ME and i can't deny :]

9:13 PM

Saturday, January 26, 2008

today , i got back with my ex-classmates from primary school. i met up with shu hui, jia yee, jia hui, jia mei, shok ling, syaifuddin, aron, alan and marcus. it was really nice to meet up with them again.

first we went to macdonald's and after that was when all the dilemma started...shu hui didnt want to go to east coast as we planned. she wanted to go to bugis just to play online games?! wat a waste of time to go there just for that really. in the end, only me, syaifuddin, shok ling, aron and marcus went to east coast.

We took the bus 966 there and thought it will reach somewhere near east coast. in the end we got freaking lost... luckily marcus was there to the rescue... but then i took over and i was the hero of the day.

when we reached there, we rented bikes. marcus and syaifuddni got the tandem bike[that can sits two] it was so hilarious seeing them ride...OMG !!! i kept laughing seeing them... i was also sometimes the laughing stock in a humorous way...it was really a super fun day but freaking hot..Then it was such a long journey back home.

9:50 PM

Yesterday, my hmt teacher, mr manaf gave me and nadiah a treat! Bcos both of us are his best and hardworking students !!![can't be denied...hahaha] he treated us to dinner at lot 1...how kind of him...

Luckily yesterday, i came back to school... worth all the heat that i endured and the distances i overcomed.

Then he wanted to buy us books and lend us his books...which was totally unexpected. In the end, i wanted this crossword puzzle book cos i really love doing those. He readily obliged although he already said that he'll buy us a book if he finds something suitable....so me and nadiah both got one each :)

when it was time to go home, he asked whether we were taking the mrt as well... but that time i haven't topped up my ez-link card so i couldn't take the mrt except buses...he even offered to top it up for me but of course i felt guilty as he has already treated us to dinner and a book...so i said it was okay. that i just take the bus :)

Mr manaf is actually not bad at all. my perspective of him has totally changed, maybe not much though. you will definitely like it if u were in his good books i must say.

9:36 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

sry guys, can't post much today...

there are freaking too much homework....So damn lazy too :[


9:10 PM

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lately, i have been bombardede with lots of work... its driving me insane, i tell ya.
especially my malay compos....so troublesome really.
But didn't expect that i could write approx 1293 words for it though !!!

Then today, it must be BORING DAY in my class... all the lessons today are so slow and borng to death...everyone pratically didn't even bother & i'm definitely one of them. But for the first time, Mrs Poh can't make to class because of blah blah blah.[find out urself if u wanna know] but she gave us this freaking piece of work which was driving me crazy. so hard to do! we were supposed to hand in today but everyone was in a rush to go home and they need more to think more, so everyone totally ignore Mrs. Poh instructions. Who Cares?! however, later on when doing my work[in the MRT], it was quite easy though...hypocritical isn't it?

French class was blah blah blah...nothing much or happening.

PS: thank you to those who voted. And to those who haven't, hurry up and god damn vote !!!! :]

9:52 PM

Sunday, January 20, 2008

yesterday, me and my family went to check out the changi airport's terminal 3...
it is really damn nice...modern and futuristic...
Then went to terminal 2, then 3 and ate our dinner there...blah blah blah...
The most exciting thing was that my dad was planning a trip to BALI this march holidays...
I am like so excited about it.Going somewhere further, on a longer flight....OMG
can't really wait....especially seeing all the flights that is going to Bali...Makes me more excited...
I think the trip is definitely a confirmed one for sure....both my parents are constantly talking about it....YAY !!!

The other thing was my dad said that i could have something i really want and he'll buy for me !!! Omg, this is freaking unbelievable... I had the choice of having a PSP, a new HANDPHONE or a LAPTOP...All of this are in my desire list !!! I just can't choose...I'm like in a dilemma right now....i have to make my choice quick and wisely...Argh...So stressful...

I better think properly about this before making ay rash decisions...
I wish that i'll make the right decision and get to go to BALI ! :]

12:57 PM

Friday, January 18, 2008

After of three consecutive weeks of only study, study and somemore studying, i just long to go out and have a blast, literally.
I missed the feeling of wearing my jeans, slipping on my havaianas sandals and wearing a t-shirt besides the school pe shirt of course... To put it simple, i was bored with this never ending routine. i was looking forward for a change instead.
& that was just what i did... me, nadiah & diyanah went to the library straight aft sch today planning to finish our work but instead everyone lost concentration and started reading magazines[especially me!] then diyanah went back home early as she had to attend to some 'big business'[ yupp... it is wat u're thinking now] so left me and nadiah...
I was soo bored so we when to the reading area where u could listen to music as well. we picked up a few magazines, not a few but a whole bunch and read from 2 i think till 6...This is the first time i never get tired when reading something.
then i went back home and my mum wanted to go to the supermarket so i made use of this chance to wear my clothes after so long!!!
then the rest was boring history....

10:53 PM

Thursday, January 17, 2008

i haven't been posting for a long time due to my faulty internet connection.

So what do you think of the video? Hilarious? Stupid? Simply crazy?

Today, me and my higher malay friends got mocked at by our so dramatic teacher[you know who]. He called us arrogant, proud and blah blah blah just because we didn't asked questions?!Is he in the right mind!? WTF !
BUT what the heck...can't be bothered by some lame people...
Today was down right freaking frustrating i tell ya.just thinking about it makes me go mad...ARGH...

10:30 PM

Monday, January 14, 2008


8:39 PM

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I haven't been posting for two days....
Mainly because i was either to tired or lazy[althought both still means the same]

But on friday, it was like heaven...finally the WEEKENDS!!!
but it turned out to be hell...hahaa
cos there was a pile of homework to be done in two short days... :[
Can't these teachers give us a break, will ya???
There's e maths, two english compositions n bblah blah blah...don't even want to mention THEM.

but then there was a surprise in store....
For the first time ever, my baby sister, at only FIVE MONTHS, said her first word !!!
My dad was playing with her while i held onto her and my dad kept asking repeatedly,"are you a boy or a girl?" then suddenly she said "GIRL"... i was freaking shocked[like the malay's will say" terperanjat beruk kau!!!"].So was my dad...then we laughed till our stomachs hurt. this is not a joke, i tell ya.

It was really a surprise.

That's her retarded look. but ain't it cute?

1:35 PM

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

IF YOU are in need of tuition for Math or Chemistry, you have come to the right spot!
My Cousin, Mas Ayu from Innova Junior College[formerly from Nanyang Junior College] is offering her service to Secondary 1 to 4 students. The details are as follows:

Subjects: Mathematics (Elementary or Additional), Chemistry (Pure or Combined Science) or Malay

Credentials: She's a Junior College graduate currently waiting for A-level results.

O-Level results:
English Language -A2
Combined Humanities -B3
Mathematics (Elementary) -A2
Additional Mathematics- A1
Physics -A2
Chemistry- A2
Biology- A2
Malay -A1

Charges: $90 for every four lessons (Not charged on a hourly basis & the tuition fee is negotiable. The tuition lesson will end only when all of your questions are answered , thus no fixed hours. Tuitions can be conducted privately or as a group.Location of tuition,time and day will be confirmed later. )

Teaching experience: Tutored in Math and Science for Primary 6 and Secondary 1 students. I am currently a CCM trainer at Anderson Junior College for MOE’s Conversational Malay Enrichment Programme.

For any enquiries, contact: Mas Ayu[tutor] @ 92277142 or Me[Syafiq] @ 81381705 :]
*Latest response by end of January... :]

8:49 PM

Today, there was E maths and A maths one after another. and the sight of my maths's teacher[my A & E maths teacher is the same;mrs poh] just makes me feel bored and to put it simply, i just can't stand her. I'm also not used to her teaching.The thing that i hate most about her is the fact that she gives us homework everytime she steps in the class. But then ,she always does some examples similar to the homework questions but they are always easier and the homework is like 3 times tougher. What The F**K huh?!
Luckily, there is my good friend,Bing Cai[thanks man] who always manage to solve some hard questions...It's like we have this chemistry..I'll solve the starting equations of a maths questions and he'll work it out.if there is the mistake, i'll point it out and we'll both get the answer in the end.perfect chemistry huh, won't you say so?
Then, it was another day of humiliating and tiring and depressing fencing. but then there was nadiah and anna who brighten up my day:] YaY...
Sooo, that was my day :]

8:32 PM

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Today, i think, by far most boring day ever...
I was practically dozing off every time. even at this moment actually.
Doing this ,doing that...all the things i detest : WORK !
but usually i don't complain that much actually {& ppl, don't complain unless u have a better solution, okay ? :] }
Then, i totally didn't went for french class... I was toooo tired mentally and physically.
I just don't know why i feel so weak today.
However, I was exceptionally hardworking today :].I did my homework straight after I got home.
If you know me well, You'll find that weird, really.
As for everything else, it's average.That's all actually that happened.
Quite dull if you have to say so...

9:05 PM

Monday, January 7, 2008

today, i'm utterly depressed :[
everything went wrong,wrong,wrong!!!
my handphone was spoilt[now revived thank god]
my computer screen won't switch on[ now it's ok though]
fencing was just another disaster in waiting...
The things i talked & discussed with Anna(my fencing buddy) totally pulled my spirits down to the ground.Felt like cryin, man.Everything during that period totally was not to my favour. It's as though the whole world is turning against me.
Hopes were dashed. Dreams shattered.

But this is life.Its ups and downs.
I just have to live with it now and try not to ponder much on it.
So, i guess i have to study for a freaking lit test tmr.What a bother...

9:22 PM

Sunday, January 6, 2008

It always takes me quite a long time to edit my blogs...
maybe because i'm not fussy...
I admit I may be quite a perfectionist but what the heck.
At least it's done is it? *Smiles

5:06 PM

This is the first time ever in my whole entire life that i ever decided to do a blog.
Can't figure out why I wanna do this but what the heck.
You will be seeing lots of me from now onwards, I guess :]

Signing off, Syaphiiq :]]

2:33 PM