Why be a calefarewhen you could be a STAR?
Bpian; just any normal 15 year old dude :]
Fencer;so don't mess around with me!
Lives on music.
Fashion fanatic; Dreams to be a Fasion Designer
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Today was fun or great;either or.

first was when i got my english paper. i got 23 out of 30! it may not seem much but at least another a1 after a few disappointing results.*sobs* watever; says my alter ego.

then i joined the gamelan group. this afternoon was my and all my friends' first attempt at playing all the various instruments. it was really fun. although we all were blur and practically make a fool of ourselves, it was still fun. the only disappointment was the instruments were no more playable, so it was out of tune a bit or maybe a lot. an the floor was dirty so my pants got really stained but it was worth the dirt and dust. it was really an eye-opener.I can't wait for next practice.

ps: there is also another shafiq in the group. & bcos of that, farhan & khairool, sec 4 students, keep calling out our name for nothing & it was freaking irritating i tell ya. i even shouted at them. hehehe.

8:13 PM

Monday, February 25, 2008


Begins the day of my DEPRESSION.

Don't ask why cos u'll piss me off !!!
& You wouldn't want me to be pissed off, trust me.

6:54 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2008

For one whole week, i haven't been posting because of common test...

But now, Common Test Is Officially Over!!! WOOOHOOO !!!

Freedom at last. Now let me enjoy my feww days of freedom before i see my results of the common test...Bound to fail a few papers for sure but for now who CARES ?! :p

Now i'm just looking forward for the march holidays as it's confirmed that i'm going to Bali for a whole week. YAY ! woots
And also looking forward for the delegation from Indonesia that's coming here. One of the guys will be staying at my house for a whole week. We have many plans in store for them.
Then in december, i'll be going to Indonesia .

I don't know why but i realised that everything about this year has to do with indonesia. Mr manaf talking indonesian, javanese and having indonesians here in BPGHS and me going there for exchange programme and holiday... Just hope that i'll won't turn into an indonesian :]

Looking forward to this joyful and eventful year :]

2:55 PM

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yesterday, it was the total defence day... so my school had this fire drill exercise. I thought after that we were free... but then that "very clever" Mr Tan suggested that we sat together in the sweltering heat to hear the Total Defence Alarm. we had no choice but wait. But lots of stuff happened. there was this kid[Rafiq]from the class next to mine. he saw a dead frog's carcass and he was so disgusting enough that he picked it up and put it his pocket... Ewwww. then i threw a fake cockroach at my girl classmates and they were freaked out. Hahahahhaah.

After school, we had the girl's volleyball match. it was so saddening to see our school's team lose :( haizz. But never mind. there's always next year. I'm just sad for the kids that are taught by him who failed the maths test as they have to go to detention... Gd luck

Then we also went to the library to just read magazines... i had taken a stack of magazines. but then, there was this very inconsiderate, rash and rude girl who just walked across the room and just simply took my magazines...Wtf. couldn't you just asked? what a bitch.

Then that was basically wat happened :]

10:10 AM

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

today was damn hilarious and special to for some friends of mine....

Firstly, it's the february babies birthdays[saufy,sufy,shahirah & izyan]; past, present and future. we bought for them a cake... my friends and i all supposed to chip in but somehow ppl are trying to run away from paying up . but they better pay up- there is no such thing as free cake. but let's put that aside.

today was freaking funny...tears were shed fyi[ by me:) ] first was the prank we played with the february babies... we put a cockroach in the cake and everyonewas like shocked yet disgusted... then we gave it a good laugh....

next was cikgu manaf.... he was suddenly talking about our names in Javanese... then my friend, puteri nadiah was called "put put" in Java !!! hahaha... we were like laughing madly. he mentioned again after fencing.

Next was the prank we played on Ms Trina Tay during social studies lesson with the cockroach. ting hui had borrowed the roach and plan to surprise ms tay with it. she hid it in her ss bk which ms tay was checking at that moment. and when ms tay was checking ting hui's bk, the ting hui flipped open the page where the roach was and pretend that she was shocked to see it too... hahahaha. ms tay was like speechless. her expression was priceless. then she also laughed along with me and my classmates... then she 'confiscated' the roach for a while and stuck it on her finger and pointed it all around. kinda a funny really.



10:38 PM

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Today was so hilarious.... but the star moment was during my tuition... So hilarious that tears were shed and stomaches cramped.

It was so hilarious that i had a asthma attack momentarily. I can't really tell you guys what really happen. For me to know, for you guys to find out i guess...

Today also marks the last day of our short CNY holidays... hope you guys are rejuvenated. So BPians, this means we have to start slogging again. GOOD LUCK ! :]

8:58 PM

Today was so hilarious during tuition but there was this part that was terribly hilarious....

It was so hilarious that I had a asthma attack momentarily... Kinda scary but worth the painful laugh. I can't tell you guys though what happen. for me to know, for you to find out i guess...

And also, today is the last day of our short holiday, so BPians, start slogging... Good Luck for CA1 :]

8:58 PM

Friday, February 8, 2008

hey, guys...
Just updated my blog. what do you think?

Now, i'm just enjoying my CNY holidays....So, happy holidays :]

9:27 PM

Thursday, February 7, 2008

best giler sey last wednesday[the eve of cny]

ramai2 berkumpul, hang out together...hai... kalau la boleh hari2 kan bagos. although not all yang dapat pegi tapi at least ader jugak yang ikut skali. straight after school, terus pegi CDANS. nak main bowling and laser quest lagi la.... tapi laser quest pulak tutup on that day. sial betol la. dah berkoba-koba nak main tutop. hai, ape nak buat. dah nasib badan.

so, kite[aku, sufy,saufy, amirul, nadiah, amirul zainudin, nabil, shirah, hanafi and tirmuzi] main bowling aje. kite main due rounds. And i totally suck for the first round sey. like totally hancur ah. got only like 37 points...ain't it pathetic nak mampos. but the second round was better. finally knew my tactic and my position. AT LAST ! but still got only 74 i think? or was it 67? anyways, still did better. aku bukan last lagi...Yay. [tu pon nak bangge eh, u may think so. hahaha ;)]

then, lepas tu merayap kat amk hub ...entah ape kita nak cari and do pon aku tak ingat ah...i only rmb that aku betol2 ngantuk that day... aku bangun pukul 5 pagi ah that day!

btw, nenek aku suke tengok harry potter ah... suke nah tengok magic...especially flying on the penyapu....hahahaha

So, i think that's about it. so assalammualaikum :]
* aleh2, aku tukar to 'bahasa melayu hancur' aku ni ah....Sorry to the non-chinese cos it's all in malay, most of it :]

10:48 PM

Monday, February 4, 2008

this past few days are kinda boring...

Oh ya, last saturday, my family went to bugis after collecting our passports at ICA.
I finally got to go to bugis street... [cos i've never ever been there]
It was freaking crowded. but th clothes there are freaking nice...if only i was a millionaire.
But then, i got myself a [plain black] cardigan....YAY finally.
after that, it was blah blah blah

On sunday, my family and my cousin went out to eat for dinner.
We decided to eat seafood [there was satay though]
The whole table couldn't even fit all the dishes we ordered, and let me tell ya, it was a LOT.
going back home was tedious... Ur stomach full, eyes drowsy but it was great though :]

10:51 AM

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Yesterday, on the 1st February was My Best Buds birthdays.... They're twins btw.

Sufy & Saufy.

Happy Birthday :))

12:26 AM