Why be a calefarewhen you could be a STAR?
Bpian; just any normal 15 year old dude :]
Fencer;so don't mess around with me!
Lives on music.
Fashion fanatic; Dreams to be a Fasion Designer
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Monday, March 31, 2008

They have landed. Widi is finally at my house. Don't really knw he's first reaction but it's for him to bear anything that he may not like.

Hope the first night won't be so awkward but i have this feeling it will. He's a nice guy but a tat to quiet though.

But i'm looking ahead to all the activities. Hope they really enjoy here aite :]
Ok now, gonna shower and change clothes cos i'm gonna have dinner at causeway point. It will be my family's first time bring him out WoooHooo.

7:52 PM

Saturday, March 29, 2008


the indonesian delegation is finally here in singapore... It was at first awkard meeting them at the airport. but when we sneak back to the hotel, we were all so informal and talking stuff, laughing. It was no longer tense anymore. so i'm quite happy. then tmr, we're going sentosa. Omg, can't believe its all paid for.

However. my buddy, Taufik seems fairly quiet but we don't noe yet. see how it goes.... how they have a blast in Singapore, especially with us. Cos they we're quite reluctant when we were about to leave. but nvm. All the best to the exchange programme.

10:57 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Birth Month: May.
Unique and creative, you seek your own path in life.
You love change and are able to adapt to any situation.

Your soul reflects: Sweetness, joy, and a complete life.

Your gemstone: Emerald

Your flower: Lily of the Valley

Your colors: Yellow, red, and green

11:18 AM

Thursday, March 20, 2008

it's quite a long time since i've last posted. it's been really a busy start of a new term but that's life.

first was that my friends and I entered a poem recital competition[team] called Gema Puisi Artistik 2008[ GPA] and we won third prize and the best song written... not bad at all for a first try and our preparations were moderate. All thanks to us as we were the only group with live music[ and i'm one of those musicians :)]

then after i came back from Bali, somehow,someway i got food poisoning or stomach flu. it's very miserable. u have stomach pains on and off. u can't eat this and that. but never mind. i will endure.

now i have another poem recital event again. now its like a public affair already. there will be ministers and prominent people. hope we manage to pull it off. Good Luck.

10:24 PM

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tommorrow, i'm off to Bali for six days. i've already packed my stuff. now the only thing i need to do is wait. to tell you the truth, i'm only a little excited at this stage. but nvm.

the only thing left to do is to finish my homework which is quite a lot. but i don't seem to care actually. but i'll do those that are more to computer based. but i just wanna be in the holiday mood. maybe bring some to do there.

then i have my cousin's wedding straight after i fly back. so, i don't have a chance to procrastinate. i just have to come up with a plan which i can't at this moment. oh well, i won't think abt this anymore. it's gonna ruin my holiday mood.

so guys, see ya in sch next,next monday and pray that i have a safe trip. gonna miss you guys. BYEBYE !!!! :]

5:31 PM

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i've got loads of things to get done[ but heck care?!] and stories to tell

firstly, this past two days[tues & wed] i'm down with lots of illnesses; fever, throat infection, really terrible cough and a running nose[ how unlucky can i get ?!] then got mc for two days but still came back to school for gamelan. this is the next story

I when back for gamelan because i just can't miss it. i like it so much. rain or shine, i'll sure to be there. but at first, me and nadiah totally forgot the rhythm and everything else but as we go along, we were quite good. then sufy saufy came for their first practice. sufy tried my instrument[ bonang barung] and he's not bad[ but i'm better! hhahaa] really love playing gamelan

then this saturday, i have a competition and i have to play another instrument[ saron barung] for this competition. i have to wear the gamelan costume and stuff [excited man!] can't wait for the competition itself. hope i don't make a fool of myself though cos i'm not familiar with that instrument well. but i'll give my best and hope we win tops. just that, i have to memorise the notes which i'm not really confident cos i'm vocal not physical if it has to do with music. but that won't stop me![* displays a confident look* :)]

next is that about Jason Phuah, a classmate of mine. he got scolded in front of my whole class cos he pointed his middle finger at Ms Meyer[ what happened, i'm not sure cos i wasn't there:( ]
i heard that Jason phuah even cried when he got scolded...hahhaaahaha[sorry but i find it quite hilarious]in the first place, where's his brain at? his ass? why would anyone do that and get himself in trouble, BIG trouble? dumb ass.

then, my bali trip this march holidays are finally confirmed, FINAL, can't change! WOOOHOOO gotta start packing man. got by clothes. get this and that. get my luggage bag. OMG! so excited man. going far away for one whole week, maybe not a week six days. but then got homework ans stuff. what a bother. but heck care?! i'm gonna enjoy myself and not worry. that's settled. got all the air tickets today...by the way, i'm going next monday on 10.50 am at changi apirport terminal one. coming back on friday at around 6 pm[singapore time] . so during this period, you guys might not be able to contact me though. damn Excited man!

than i got myself a reeboks bag! :] going shopping for more!

and that's all. maybe a few more coming.

9:29 PM