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Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm now like crazy over fedora hats....they are like so cool. Going classic chic.
I love the pattern. very chic aite? :]
Buy one for me please, anyone?

10:03 PM

the first week of term 3 has started and it was not that too bad....
changed the seatings...now with mandy, ze tong, chun kit and bing cai....love the grouping. lots og joking around and uncensored talking now and then...gave me a good laughter though.

then my new a maths teacher was mr benjamin chan....he's such a nice teacher. he totally understands us...there was one incident where i had copied a mate's work in desperation cos i had left the book in school when i had to hastily go back home due to gastritis... however, unfortunately, i was busted. he totally found out but he only like talked about it...he didn't even raised his voice. I totally appreciate his kindness and wake up call. however, he could definitely improve on his handwriting cos i sometimes get lost during his lesson but i think[ think only] i could understand his lessons so far.

there was a lot of changes....for geog, we got ms rashidah, the most intimidating female teacher around, for literature, we got ms foo.she's quite stern and strict too if u really get on her nerves... and there will be alot more changes in the future.

next tuesday, i'm going to sit for my GCE'O' level malay oral...but i don't even feel that worried or nervous....maybe it hasn't hit me yet. but still, i'll try to practise at least a bit.there's also a ton of homework to do for the weekend but i ain't feeling the pressure. i'm confident i can handle it :]

Ok then. Ciao people.

9:53 PM

Friday, June 13, 2008

Do the quizzes on your own accord...kinda lazy to tag and name names... :]

cheers aite :]

11:57 PM

Each blogger start with 10 random facts, habits about themselves.
Blogger that have been tagged need to post on their blog about 10 things.
At the end of this, you gotta choose 5 people, list them and tag them on the blog.
Don't forget to comment on their blog that they have been tagged.

1. i like branded clothes
2. i yearn for chocolate & ice cream
3. i want tiramisu
4. i have a gigantic appetite
5. Fashion fanatic & critic
6.fashion desinger wannabe
7. I want to travel the world
8. i've got loads of dark secrets, i mean secretSSSS.
9. I wanna be filthy rich
10. i luv her :D

11:54 PM

Remove one question from the following and add in your personal question.
Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people.
List them out at the end of the post.
Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged.
Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

1. What’s your ambition?
To be a Top fashion designer or a model :]
2. Who is more important to you? Friends or girlfriend?

since both are the bestest people of my life, all of them :]
3. Who is the person you trust most?

4. Do you think you have enough confidence.

I guess so.
5. Who is your idol?

I can't think of any, seriously...
6. Do you believe in seeing sunshine & rainbow after the storm?

7.What is your goal for this year?

Excel in every endeavour.
8. Do you believe in eternity love?

Its possible.
9. Have you broken someone’s heart that she/he tried to commit suicide?

I'm not that sadistic.
10. What feeling do you love most?

i luv it when i love & yearn for my loved one.
11. What are the requirements you wish from the other half?

Great personality.
12. Who do u luv most?

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

It's indescribable.
14. What does flying mean to you?

Being free among clouds....so whimsical aite? :]
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life
love, happiness,money, her.
16. Do you love anime?

i'm clueless.
17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.

Loved & missed a lot. :D
18. What have you done to please yourself?

eat chocolate and ice cream :]
19. If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?

it have to be 3 months ago.
20.If your room is empty,what's the first thing you want to put in?

Colour !Colour! & more colour!

11:44 PM

Finally, i can stay put in my house.... camps aft one another. first it was OBS which was great yet torturous and then the recent one was Perkampungan Bahasa @ NUS. it was a great 3 days 2 nights camp.

this camp was all about malay culture and instilling in in my generation so that it doesn't vanish from the face of the earth....it was loads of fun. we had an amazing at west coast park at night....And my grp[ GO BAKAWALI ! }] was the first group.... WOooHoooo !!! we're proud of our teamwork ad cooperation. it was a great game.. and we had wet games which was fun too...quite humourous.and for once, we don't have to sleep in tents during a camp. Participants like me stayed in hostels, an actually room with beds, fans and lighting....it was great to have all that aft experiencing obs...the facilities where great nothing special but still appreciated. the food provided was not that shabby...most of the times i had seconds :] i'm a guy with a big appetite you see.... aft all that, the last day was the highlight.... i've gone through thick and thin with my group....parting with them was kinda emotional. i felt tears but i kept it in...but liyana a teammate just couldn't take it in...but that's okay...it's understandable. thanks abg kahlid for all ur help and guidance. i'm gonna miss you and all the others: liyana, farzanah, ewan ,nurdin, hasyimah, naqi, faeezah,haziq, kak yus, abg khalid. hope we meet some other time.

this past two weeks has been really quite emotionally draining....i'm missing alot of ppl
abidin[ my monkey obs instructor]
abg khalid
kak yus
and a whole lot of other people.....

you guys have a significant part in my life....nice meeting you guys and i hope our friendships last a lifetime :]

& a shoutout to my loved one... great to be back together aft a long time :]

11:25 PM

Sunday, June 8, 2008

This past five days has been torturous, tedious, tiring, bloody, back-breakiing, sweaty, dry, wet and everything else bad.... It was worse than people said or i imagined it to be...

I was so relieved to come back home or at least see flats when it the bus back home after soo long being away from civilisation. omg... i just can't believed i survived OBS camp but i'm PROUD to say i did :] it shows how strong, determined, persevered, resilient, brave, thick-skinned, responsible, hardworking etc. I'm proud of what i had achieved during the OBS camp.

one was the kayaking.... it went for hours ; going against tides, waves, kayaks crashing, arm crackling, around an island.... But i [& izyan] still made it to camp 3 !!! woohoo. Steady ah! then there wass the rock climbing....i'm all smiles when i think about it.... I managed to reached the top of the 12 metre wall. YAY !!! and i can say i was the fastest...people started calling me spiderman! hahhaaaha. I'll take it as a compliment then. then it was the trekking... though trekking was mine and everyone's of my watch[ GO JUNKO! ] lowest moments, but when i look back, i'm kinda proud of myself that i didn't just break down and crumble but instead i persevered and continued on despite the fact that my body couldn't take it any longer. i've realised that i'm more stronger than i thought i was.... So steady ah syafiq ! finally, was the raft building. it was a tremendous team effort.... our raft made the other teams i think imtimidated cos our's seem the most durable and strongest raft. and it was! it passed all three tests: kick test, shake test and lift test with flying colours. we were really happy that moment. even our instructor, Abidin, was proud of our raft as he said and i quote" i have no worries to launch our raft" we were on cloud nine. however, sadly we didn't managed to launch our raft cos a team didn't managed to pass all tests...but it was ok in the end.

we had a quarry dip ! it was the highlight of all five days.... it was like being in heaven after a long time i haven't bathed. it was so refreshing and invigorating. we then played a short game of water polo and i managed to score a goal for my watch....woots !

then, i thought i would easily to let go of pulau ubin... but as i boarded the boat and was on the way to punggol jetty, i kinda missed Pulau ubin... all the times spent there. it was as though i'm leaving a part of my life back on the island. it was very emotional deep inside me.

Overall, there was some unpleasant and great moments of OBS. I will carry those memories in my mind till the end of my life :]

1:03 PM